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Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

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Solved Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Scarlett May 21st 2013, 17:08

First topic message reminder :

Alright everyone. It is time for Thunderclans newest rp. I do plan on breaking this up into multiple topics at certain points in the plot. Sorry everyone. I know some of you have been waiting a while for this now but your wait is over. I have suddenly decided what Thunderclan newest RPG will be. Feel free to jump in at your leisure. I will also allow members of other clans to create a Thunderclan character using the template at the bottom of the post or use their own characters which will start out in each respective land own territory. However, all high ranking portisitions or "special positions" will still be held by the actual Thunderclan members (for those of you creating a Thunderclan cat). In other words, the Leader, Deputy, Medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice postitions will not be available to members outside of Thunderclan and will be held for those members holding the actual rank. Only those participants that are not Thunderclan members are required to fill out the form before joining the rp. Smile Enjoy.

Setting/Plot: The clan's are just recovering from one of the harshest leaf-bares they have experienced yet. A large portion of the forest has warmed up and much of the snow has melted while large patches. Thunderclan's main source of water, a small pond, still remains frozen over.

Thunderclan prey is just starting to stir again, but many of the medical herbs were destroyed by the frosts and with the main source of water unavailable to them, the cats have had to seek out other ways o quench their thirst. Meanwhile, an awful odor is coming from the direction of the two-legs farm homes. Now the clans have been hit with a strange outbreak of an illness they have not experienced before, causing the infected cats to stumble around murmuring nonsense and attacking their own clan mates. The clans are worried he disease will spread to their elders, kits and queens if it isn't stopped soon.

Before long the clans will realize the stench is coming from the dead carcass of a cow that twolegs shot and killed, which the cats suspect carried the disease and the dead carcass was dumped next to a stream that the cats have been drinking from. I would just like to remind everyone, there isn't mind reading in the RP. The warriors will come across this information later so no one will know this at the start of the rp.

Rules: Everyone must follow the RPG rules in this topic. If you don't follow the standards I have set above and get too far off track (ex. There are 5 pages of people hunting and drinking from the water) I will ask you to edit your post. I'm going to set the limit at no more than 6 infected cats. Everyone can create as many characters as they can manage and if they create to many to keep up with they may kill as many off as they please, however, each member may only be allowed to play a maximum of 1 infected cat to allow everyone an opportunity who wants it. If you have any questions you can ask me in a post below, in a private message or in the chat box.

Symptoms of the Illness: So I figure since probably the most prominent internal issue that goes on when someone/something has rabies is that the brain suffers from severe swelling. The actual disease has to enter the body through the bloodstream and travel to the brain from there so there needs to be some sort of open wound for a cat to catch the illness. The first signs should be infection and pain around the sores. Then this should lead to some level of confusion and irritability, followed by light headedness and then debilitating headaches. Eventually, after these basic stages, anything would be driven mad but bare in mind if you want to play a sick cat that's been driven mad and starts attacking their clan mates, the infected cat will not be able to organize their thoughts at all. They will literally be at a complete loss of control and therefore will not be very good at fast or strong anymore either.

(Rabies outbreak? Could be fun. Wink )

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[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Age (in moons):[/b]
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The snow had finally stopped for the season as the sun crept over the treetops. There was still a bitter chill that clung to the air. Everything was still silent as the patrol prepared to leave the camp for the dawn patrols. Then there was the solvent drumming of paws as the beat against the earth. Silverwing could hear them racing closer as she began to stir in her den, slowly opening her eyes and blinking the sleep away.

"You can't just barge in there!" Someone yowled from within the camps clearing.

Silverwing could hear the steps getting closer to her den as the intruder ignored the warriors howls of anger and protest below. Suddenly a shape appeared in the entrance though the light behind the cat made their appearance hard to distinguish. She parted her jaws to take in the scent but it wasn't one she was familiar with. Quickly, she shuffled to her paws, her pelt ruffled rising in irritation. "What do you want?" She demanded with unsheathed claws.

"We have come from the twolegs home." a deep voice responded.

"So why are you here then?" She responded with a clear warning in her voice. "Kittypet." She could identify from the voice that it was a tom before her.

The cat said nothing at first, ignoring the insults. "One of your clan members is dead. They were found outside the twoleg barn. I have only come to pass on that message." He responded as he turned to walk away. "You're welcome to come retrieve them."

Last edited by Snowstar on August 11th 2013, 11:14; edited 4 times in total
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Frost May 22nd 2013, 17:59

Amberleaf widened her eyes in surprise when a familiar mottled gray she-cat padded out of the warriors den to join her. "Fernshade!" Her voice was shrill, tinged with nervousness, dismissing the earlier thought that it was an enemy warrior. Smoothing her pelt with a couple of licks, she dipped her head in greeting.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Tangleclaw May 22nd 2013, 18:55

Scarface padded over to the pair. "Good morning. Beautiful day." Scarface said as he approached. "Well at least for us. Heart is being a mouse brain today." Scarface retorted.

"I know you are talking about me!" Heart called from across the clearing.

Doveheart emerged from the nursery. "Shut you trap, please. You will wake the Clan." Doveheart snapped.

"Your being to soft mommy! You need to be strict about it!" Lizardkit growled as he stumbled out of the nursery.

Doveheart gave him a look. "Go back inside, please." Doveheart said.

"Please, sneeze. Just leave!" Heart retorted.

Doveheart walked toward Scarface. "Hello girls. Lovely day, huh?" Doveheart said cheerfully.

Scarface looked at his mate. She was usually peaceful but his sister really annoyed her.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Ghostfur May 22nd 2013, 19:42

Ghostfur looked up at Silverwing and nodded a greeting. He glanced around the clearing as cats started getting up. "Yeah, I heard the commotion and wanted to make sure nothing important was going on. So, who's our guest here?" Ghostfur asked, curious about the outsider.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Nyx May 22nd 2013, 19:45

"Sorry. Did I scare you?" Fernshade smiled faintly. "I didn't mean to." She drew her tail over her paws as she sat down beside the other warrior. Turning slightly, she made sure the entrance of the warriors' den was in her line of sight before returning Amberleaf's nod. The sun was peeking over the horizon, so she knew that the dawn patrol would be up any minute now.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Milkycloud May 22nd 2013, 21:12

MilkyPaw cocked her head to one side. She tried to listen to Ghostfur's and SilverWing's conversation about the mysterious stranger. She leaned out from the den a few inches more, just so she could hear better, but tried to stay hidden.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Scarlett May 22nd 2013, 22:13

Silverwing stopped in front of Ghostfur. "This kitty pet claims they found one of our warriors dead near the two leg farms." She responded grimly. "Nothing's been verified but we should do a head count and make sure everyone is accounted for. I also want to send out a party to check out the body they claim is there. Maybe 4 warriors just in case it's a trap." A small white coat caught the corned of her eye as she turned to look. "Ah so you're finally awake I see."
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Milkycloud May 22nd 2013, 22:36

MilkyPaw jumped at SilverWing's voice and stumbled to the ground. Startled, MilkyPaw lay there for several seconds before standing back up again. MilkyPaw had a look of surprise in her eyes as she stood up and her fluffy white coat was all ruffled. "I'm sorry", she apologized, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop......" She looked up at SilverWing with an ashamed look. "I was just curious as to what was going on."
ThunderClan Warrior
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Tangleclaw May 23rd 2013, 07:56

"Amberleaf," Doveheart began, "Do you think we should leave or let Scarface leave?".

Scarface looked at her. "Why? So you can have some girl talk?" Scarface chuckled.

Heart looked at the cats. "That mouse-brain. I'll show her a true warrior." Heat growled. When no one was looking, she padded into the nursery. "Rockkit. Do you want to go on an adventure?" Heart asked. Lizardkit was asleep.

Rockkit nodded.

"Good. first you need to know the secret exit." Heart mewed. Heart grabbed Rockkit and ran out of a hole in the nursery.
WindClan Warrior
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Ghostfur May 23rd 2013, 18:01

Ghostfur's tail flicked in amusement. He remembered when he was an apprentice and would eavesdrop on the senior warriors. "Well," he said to Silverwing, "I could take a patrol out to look for the body. Even if it's not one of our warriors, a dead body could ward off prey that the clan desperately needs."
ThunderClan Deputy
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Russetstar May 23rd 2013, 18:23

"I'll do it." Leopardwing meowed boldly, appearing from the shadows. "If this kittypet sayings are true I want to know what happened. If this kittypet isn't speaking the truth, it will know what's coming for it." She meowed scornfully.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Tangleclaw May 24th 2013, 08:28

"This the place were you will train.... and die!" Heart said dropping the kit.

"WHAT?!" Rockkit mewled.

Heart ranked her claws down his neck. But then she felt pain on her back.

"Take this you fox dung!" Rockkit growled.

Heart through him off. "This is it!" Heart growled. She bit him in the neck. Rockkit was dead. Heart carried the kit back to camp. Doveheart was in the nursery fast asleep. "Here's your bundle of blood!" Heart growled

Doveheart woke up. "What did you do?!" She growled. "I'm telling the leader!" Doveheart cried.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Nyx May 24th 2013, 16:24

Fernshade's sharp gaze cut across the clearing to focus on Silverwing and the other warriors. "Surely that isn't necessary," she said, addressing Leopardwing. "It's understandable that you'll be angry if it turns out the kittypet lied to us. But unless he means harm by tricking the Clan into looking for a dead cat, I don't see why you have to punish him."
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Caraway May 24th 2013, 17:25

~There aren't enough warriors to be mentors, so I hope you don't mind that I make Honeypaw a warrior. She'll be Honeybirch.~

The little ginger cat padded across the camp to her Clanmates, thinking it was something serious if they had all gathered around the leader like that. Listening to their thoughts, she pitched in some ideas.
"Well, I don't mind dead bodies," she mewed rather bluntly. "I don't think the kittypets would have much gain in tricking us into searching for a missing cat. It's worth exploring, definitely. Unless they want to laugh at our search party."
She rasped her tongue over her paws and cleaned behind her ears.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Ghostfur May 24th 2013, 18:28

Ghostfur nodded at the other warriors' suggestions before adding his thoughts. "And besides, it couldn't hurt anyone to go look for this body. Also, whether it's there or not, we could have one warrior report back here while the rest of the patrol hunts. Leaf-bare may finally be over, but it may be a moon before prey becomes more bountiful!"
ThunderClan Deputy
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Glimmermist May 24th 2013, 18:47

Briarpaw finally woke up. She padded out into the clearing barely awake. She over heard warriors talking about a dead kittypet? She walked over to her mentor Leopardwing who was also a part of that conversation. She looked at the warriors and mewed "Sorry to interrupt, but whats going on?".
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Scarlett May 24th 2013, 20:53

~Sorry Cheese. I was actually hoping to have Rogueblossom back here by now or this. But if you would like to switch to a warrior that is fine too.~

Silverwing stood there, thinking over the situation. "We will send a patrol to look into things and if nothing else, to escort the kitty pet back to their cushiony life." She looked over each of the warriors, trying to work out who the best warriors to send would be. "Leopardwing, Ghostfur, Briarpaw, Shimmerpaw and Fernshade will escort this trespasser back and look into the matter further. Make sure you don't miss anything. I will be expective a full report back." She looked at each member of the party in turn before fixing her attention on Leopardwing. "Stay safe and be on the lookout." She mewed with a final nod.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Milkycloud May 26th 2013, 12:19

MilkyPaw jumped out from the den. She quickly groomed her white coat. "Is there anything I can do to assist you all?" She asked in a small voice. Milkypaw was growing with interest in the situation. She looked at SilverWing, her head cocked to one side. Her eyes were bright and alert.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Glimmermist May 26th 2013, 13:03

Briarpaw heard her name. My first patrol! To escort the trespasser! she thought opening her eyes wide. She shook her head to wake herself up then nodded to Silverwing. She stood up waiting for her orders.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Streamstar May 26th 2013, 14:12

Shadeclaw had been sitting by the entrance to the warrior's den, and he overheard bits of the conversation. He knew that Silverwing was sending some cats to look for the body of another Thunderclan warrior that a kittypet claimed was dead. He was thinking about what the kittypet said, and wondering if it was true. I might as well go do something useful, instead of sitting around camp, waiting for the patrol to return. He padded over to Silverwing and asked, "Am I needed for any patrols? I was wondering if I could go out and hunt if I'm not." (He's going to get infected while he's out hunting) If he was lucky, maybe he'd find some prey out near the stream.

Streamstar sat outside the entrance of her den, watching what was going on in the camp. The air was filled with the usual scents of fish, and the river. When a strong gust of wind blew into camp, very faintly, she could smell a foul scent that reminded her of crowfood. (sorry for the short post from her point of view)
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Russetstar May 26th 2013, 14:13

Leoardwing nudged Briarpaw. "Come on." She mewed, taking lead into the forest at full speed. The undergrowth rustled underneath her tawny paws, making a crunch noise.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Ghostfur May 26th 2013, 15:11

Ghostfur took a quick look around the clearing to see if Shimmerpaw was awake. When he didn't see her around the clearing, he turned and followed Leopardwing out into the forest.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Sagedance May 26th 2013, 15:35

Ivythorn was lingering next to the leader's den. She has been examining, watching, listening, very closely.

The she-cat gridded her teeth. Kittypets, she sneered to herself with disgust. Never are they trustworthy! She padded up next to Silverstar with her eyes hotly glazed with distrust as she trained her eyes on the retreating kittypets. The little figure turned to her leader and dipped her head. "Silverstar," she addressed respectfully. "I would like to see the body of the poor warrior before he is buried. I want to see exactly what caused his death. We cannot risk having anything spreading if it's previously undiscovered greencough or some kind of contagious disease. I will not let it be exposed to other cats just in case," she meowed. She went on. "What do you think the poor young thing died from?" she sighed.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Russetstar May 26th 2013, 18:14

Leopardwing raced on through the thick brambles, her legs getting weary. She looked behind her, making sure all of the group was still behind her. "Let's take a few moments to observe our surroundings. Silverstar ordered that we pay close attention. Briarpaw, this would be the perfect time to use your observing skills." The deputy mewed, looking closely around her.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Glimmermist May 26th 2013, 18:53

Briarpaw scoped the area. "Seems safe and it smells as if we are close to the twoleg barn." Briarpaw reported. She sniffed the area again. It reeked of twoleg and diasese. Smells like a disease is lurking through the air. Also twoleg must be nearby" she thought to herself. She listened, very faint voices could be heard. But all she could see was thick bramble at the moment.
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

Post by Tangleclaw May 27th 2013, 10:34

"Silverwing! Heart killed Rockkit!" Doveheart yowled.

"I don't care if I'm exiled! I just hate you!!!" Heart growled.

Scarface ran to the nursery. Rockkit was in the nursery when he checked.

Lizardkit hissed at Heart. "FOX DUNG!" he growled.

Heart smacked him with her paw. Lizardkit flew across the nursery.
WindClan Warrior
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Solved Re: Unexpected Illness RPG (part 1)

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