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The future of WCF

Icestar of ShadowClan
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The future of WCF Empty The future of WCF

Post by Adelaide January 21st 2016, 03:32

Greetings everyone.

So to start with, I would like to apologize for my inactivity. There have been a great many personal matters in my life the past year that have made it difficult for me to find the time to be online. I have, however, received your messages about the activity levels on the site. I can see there are many of you who are quite enthusiastic about rebuilding it and bringing it back to life for the next generations of warriors. I am very pleased to see so many of you eager to return to the forum. I will address that momentarily.

I believe that I should first introduce myself once again. I am Adelaide, your forum administrator and the owner of the website. I do however go by another name many of you are more familiar with. For those of you veterans my name is Snowlily or for those newer to the forum, Scarlett. There are also a few of you who know this already but I have been married and now have a baby of my own to care for which now occupies a majority of my time.

There have been a few of you now who have messaged me about a change in the staff to remove those who are inactive and establish a new order and I believe if there are those of you that committed to the forum after this much time, then I could commit to a change in staff and do my part to re-establish the forum. I would first like to open up this topic for suggestions and a discussion about what you would like to see on the forum from here on out.

Please feel free to share any thoughts you have and remember to be kind to one another. There are no bad ideas. I will be looking out for new potential staff members. Smile Best wishes and happy hunting.


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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Moonsong January 22nd 2016, 22:04

Welcome back, Adelaide! Iii guess I'd go with, for suggestions, a little more communication? Like. In the roleplays and forum in general. Everyone's got a hard time staying active, and the rps in particular are kinda hard to deal with when everyone's split and not really? Talking outside of the rp? A few people, sure, but It'd be easier to have discussion so everyone knew where they were at, instead of just, all of our little separate inclade groups where maybe one person who can get on or is okay posts for another person. 'cause that's important, but. Yeah. PM's aren't quite the same thing, really. I don't? Actually know if that's related to the forum or just to what'd make the forum easier and more active in my mind and wow I'm not thinkin' good.

In any case. I guess in general I'd think that making the forum more of a... community? To deal with? Would make everything go smoother and funner and I hear stories about when it was and people talked all the time and anyway. Just, banding together, I guess, to make it more tight-knit so that even if its not active right now it will be and people are brought together and there's a solid base on which to build. Uh. I'm bad at suggestions and other people I'm --

edit: Oh and half-cynically and sarcastically I'd like to suggest some kinda rollcall or somethin' jus where people can chime in easily about who's active at that point in time, and if people have certain schedules and restrictions that's listed so it's not an awkward dance where we all keep stepping on each other's paws.
ShadowClan Warrior
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Ghostfur January 26th 2016, 03:10

First off welcome back Adelaide. I guess I can start by maybe helping Moonsong with your suggestions. For the first point, what I got out of what you were saying was that you're suggesting that there be some way for RPers to communicate with each other more effectively, especially when the OCs are in several groups within the RP. And for that I actually have a suggestion that could be done using what another sight I go to uses. What they have is an OOC (out of character, if it needs clarifying) section to their RP forum, where each RP can have a designated OOC thread specifically for members to communicate outside of a RP as a whole group. That way everybody within an RP can communicate with each other quickly with questions or suggestions, and even applying for the RP can be handled there so that the RP thread itself is exclusively for posts in the RP.

And I agree with your second point, Moonsong, about trying to be a more tight-knit community. It would be nice if we could get back to the days of everybody talking in the forum and the chatbox, though I imagine that'll be tricky with differences in personal schedules and timezones.

Also, as a suggestion of my own, I think it'd be nice if there could be some sort of event like a competition of some sort or maybe an ORPG, granted we don't have many members for one. But that's also partly just me wanting to be a part of an ORPG, since the last one ended right as I joined and The Ghosts Are Real never came to fruition. I feel like these would help those of us who are still here to become a more "tight-knit" community as Moonsong suggested and would show that the forum is attempting to revive once more.
ThunderClan Deputy
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Thunderclaw January 28th 2016, 21:56

Yes...yes...yes...I agree with it all! I haven't been on here in ages! And welcome back, Snowlily! I guess I would be considered a veteran, being a part of this forum for....8 years this August! I hope to see this forum revived, and back to what it was like in "the old days." If you know what I mean. Anyway, I suggest sending out a mass message to all the people that have an account on this forum, telling them about the revival. Just a suggestion. Again, Welcome back!

Signed~ Thunderclaw
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Frost January 31st 2016, 02:30

Sweat Oh no, am I not gonna be a GM anymore? Damn. I like the green in my name. Rock
Well, I have definitely been very inactive c:

Hiya Snow. It's good to know that you're doing well! I think the main issue is that we don't have enough active members, and all the divided clans make it difficult for everyone to roleplay in their own clans other than the recent RPGs eg. "Bringing Back WCF From the Dead" I totally LOL-ed at the title. Bite

Idk, it would be fun if someone created an RPG with a new clan where everyone could be part of the same thing and unleash their creativity and stuff. (Damn, I miss being in the Masqueraders. I forgot what happened to it. But the plot of it was pretty cool. Maybe we could resurrect that into an RPG? Razz)

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Moonsong February 2nd 2016, 15:11

I-- maybe the timeout on the chat could be made longer than 10 minutes, if possible? It makes it hard to carry on a conversation, really.
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Noxe April 4th 2016, 19:53

Ayy hello hello guys Very Happy I've been super inactive as well due to school, research, and life in general. As much as I hate to say it, I feel that I've (long) outgrown Warriors - though the community aspect of this site and the friendships I've made here are, of course, timeless. In all probability I will rarely visit from now on if ever, so I agree with your proposal to change out the staff and I'm sure the new staff will do great.

(tangent: my school just chose junior club executives for next year since the seniors are graduating - I was selected as a Research Organization exec :DDD - and since then the seniors have been calling us the baby execs. That's kind of how I feel writing this post. Can't wait to see the baby WCF staff grow and succeed :'''))

I just have one minor selfish request Sweat this site has been a part of my life since the beginning, for more than 5 years now - I'm a veteran, like Thunderclaw said (btw Thunderclaw I'm pretty sure the site hasn't even existed for 8 years LOL). I think it would be nice if we had a badge or something for the oldies/former staff so that we don't just disappear into the abyss lol. I know this sounds pretty unimportant/trivial, but I'm feeling nostalgic about all the memories I've made on this site.

This community has been such a huge part of my life, and I sincerely hope it will live on and prosper.

With much love,
Noxe <3
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Thunderclaw April 16th 2016, 13:36

Eh, called a hyperboly. (I think that's how you spell that) and I actually checked, and I joined in 2012. Not as long as I thought, but I must say, these four years have been some of the hardest (and happiest) of my life. The happiness is in part thanks to all of you. Thanks!

WindClan Warrior
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Redstar May 6th 2016, 18:29

It's hyperbole, Thunderclaw Smile And I feel like this entire thing is just a cycle at this point. A mod or admin will get on the site and older members will come back for a couple of weeks and just disappear again, leaving the site barren. What can we do to try to keep this from happening?
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Dragonclaw May 31st 2016, 21:16

Hey guys Smile

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Adelaide June 1st 2016, 18:25

Hey Dragonclaw. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. And quite a rare sight at that. How are you?

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Torrentheart June 14th 2016, 00:30

Hiya guys! I've been lurking on the site still occasionally over the past few years, but it seems like this is my opportunity to give some input to my old friends and the new recruits! Looks like this post was a few weeks ago, but I'll post anyways because I'm a veteran too and like Noxe said, this community used to be such a big part of my life as well and I'm so happy to see it might be revived! Razz

I miss and cherish the friendships I had with the people here. I had such great memories that'll be dear to me forever, and I hope a new generation of members can experience the connections I had with people on here too. I've been so busy with my life as well lately, and I have most definitely outgrown warriors, so I probably won't be part of any revival project either Sweat hopefully one day though I'll log in to find a lot of people on the chat!

And a huge congratulations Adelaide on your child and marriage! (: I have an old memory of you talking about your future and aspirations in life and it's so insane how much everyone has grown. Congrats to you Noxe for your achievement too! As for me, I'll be attending university in the fall, crazy enough. So good to hear you everyone's been doing good lately.

Well I guess Torrentheart's officially an 'elder'. I'll miss being the RiverClan deputy, haha Razz

I can't seem to stress how much this site means to me enough, but thank you everyone for such a wonderful few years and welcome to the members I never got the pleasure to meet! I'll probably continue lurking around every once in a while, but until then, peace out Sneer/Grin

Torrentheart (:

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Redstar June 15th 2016, 23:41

Oh my goodness, I just noticed Dragonclaw posted on here, wow, it's been forever. Same goes for you, Torrent! I've missed everyone.
Why is everyone growing? Oh my gosh, I remember when I was 11 and I joined WCF. I'm almost 16 now. It's insane how time flies.
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Stormheart July 20th 2016, 20:41

Oh wow, congratulations Snowlily on your new family! I wish you the best of luck, sending good vibes your way.

Tch, Dragonclaw, don'tcha know you aren't supposed to break the forum rules?  Sneer/Grin Hahah

My situation is much like Torrentheart's (how ya doin' buddy, long time no see) in the respect that I probably won't be much help rebuilding the site, but I will log on from time to time to see how things are doing, and check up on people.

If there are any old friends that wish to speak me, please send me a PM with your contact info. I'd love to get back in contact with you guys.

Take care! Wave (looking at these emotions brings me back, omo)

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan May 23rd 2018, 00:23

Hey guys, I remembered my old login and got in somehow, glad to hear you are all doing well! I miss the old times we had, but like a few others have said I feel like I have (sadly) outgrown Warriors... I honestly can’t tell you the last time I picked up one of the books. I’m always down to chat tho, I probably won’t be much help rebuilding the site as I will be entering my senior year of college in the fall (yikes) but I, like Stormheart, am just 1 PM away!
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Caraway May 28th 2018, 12:26

Wow it's really nostalgic to see all these usernames Razz I wrote a longer post about catching up here. It'd be too long if I combined it with this post )^': But I wanted to say congrats on your family Snowlily! All the best Smile

In response to this topic: The reason for inactivity on this site may be because audiences on RPG forums are typically pre to early teenagers (at least when I joined, that age group made up the majority of users). The new generations of youngins aren't really into this series anymore it seems. That's understandable, since book series are hard to get into if you haven't read from the beginning - considering all of Erin Hunter's extensions and follow up series, even starting the first few books probably looks daunting to people. Those of us in our late teens/early twenties probably grew up with the series with new books being steadily released as we finished the old ones. That's why we're still around.

This is just what I think. I've only been on this RPG forum so I have no other knowledge outside of what I've gained from here. But if that really is the problem, the way to address it would be to introduce more general activities that don't require a lot or any knowledge about the series while still being related to it. That's really hard to do though :/ But things that do fit into that narrow category include the contests/events that Ghostfur mentioned, where people write fanfics or draw stuff based loosely on the books (e.g. borrowing the naming system, Clans, etc).

This is probably all quite unhelpful but I wanted to input something anyway as someone who used to be really active here.
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Stareye July 27th 2020, 17:53

Hello everyone, I was going through my passwords today and was wondering how many of my old accounts were still active, I am surprised but delighted to see this place is still here. I'd love to see a revival of the forum, and while I am willing to do my best as a mod and look out for this place, I understand if my inactivity warrants my removal from the team. I can't necessarily guarantee I'll be super active here, but I'll give it my best shot.
I for one, definitely have not outgrown Warriors. I have started a youtube channel centered around the series, but I am looking to expand to other topics as well. I also have a discord server linked to the channel, named after the forum that me and a lot of my friends were on before we migrated here; Treetop Whispers. I would be happy to introduce my members to this site as a nice alternative, as many of them like RP's.

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Blackstone October 12th 2020, 14:07

Good lord, being here now makes me feel old LMAO
I got a totally random email today notifying me of a topic someone made here in 2018? No idea what that was about, but I'm here now, so I thought I might as well say something!

I totally agree with everyone else, it's wild to see how far people have come over the years. I joined the site when I was... eleven? twelve? and now I'm in my second year of university. How time flies : D

Actually, now that I think about it, WCF was what really got me into digital art - I don't intend at all to make any kind of living from it, but comparing more recent pieces to whatever works of mastery I posted on the forums back in the day really puts things into perspective for me. I haven't drawn Warriors in years, but I've made other housecat OCs, and uh... yea. hehe

But, to be frank, at this point I don't see WCF coming back from the dead - some of those "recent" posts are old - but I wouldn't be opposed at all to starting fresh elsewhere, or joining existing groups people here have established! I still haven't read past the first arc of Warriors, which is due to a combination of not having access to newer titles, moving on to other media and Probably Maybe Undiagnosed ADHD, but I have been craving RP lately. I remember there being a discord server or something, but I may or may not have lost it in the depths of my emote server folders whoops

I don't really expect anyone to reply to this anytime soon, but (pepehands) the nostalgia, dude. If any of you guys see this and you're into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or Warcraft or something, absolutely hit me up, I'm deep in the hyperfixation and I love to talk about it

...Also, has this site been really glitchy for anyone else, or is it just me? I'm the kind of nerd who uses desktop view for everything on mobile, but I've never had issues with my browser crashing when I hit the new post button, and I certainly didn't have the same issues when I was actively RPing here /sweat
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Flameblossom October 12th 2020, 14:35

Same here Blackstone I just logged back in and got a fat rush of nostalgia LOL I am so sorry to everyone who experienced 10-year old me on the internet haha

I wish I had seen this original post when it was made!! It's so nice to see everyone's names again. It's too bad I never got the chance to stay in contact w anyone (other than Shimmerpaw we still know each other irl lol)

I don't really do RP or go on forums like this anymore, I still like to draw and stuff tho. I'm not into warrior cats anymore either, but I still think about it every now and then since it basically led me to having an internet presence for the first time w this forum haha

Just like pretty much everyone else I'm in college now, I'm a music ed major (although I think I'm switching to media studies w a minor in film next semester oop) and right now I'm just super into movies and such.

I'm actually super bad at having internet friends and staying in contact w ppl over text only but I still thought I'd still check in and post anyway since I managed to still remember my login! If anyone wants to just follow me on instagram or something I'm @ktbburke hehe
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Shimmerpaw October 12th 2020, 15:32

Oh man I got an email about this forum today as well, and I totally feel the sentiment of everyone feeling nostalgic.

I saw one of my old posts and it said I was ELEVEN? That's absolutely crazy, I'm in college now also. I'm studying drama which is a fun time during COVID regulations and such haha.

I wish I'd stayed in contact with more people from here I have many embarrassing memories, but I still cherish them of course.

I'll follow suit w Flameblossom and offer my instagram if anyone wanted to catch up! @ninjashoyo.cos is my cosplay account!
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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Stormheart November 19th 2020, 01:46

Stareye wrote:I for one, definitely have not outgrown Warriors. I have started a youtube channel centered around the series, but I am looking to expand to other topics as well. I also have a discord server linked to the channel, named after the forum that me and a lot of my friends were on before we migrated here; Treetop Whispers. I would be happy to introduce my members to this site as a nice alternative, as many of them like RP's.

Wait, I lowkey hate myself right now, but who are you??? I'm one of the admins at TTW so there is no way I don't know you, but I couldn't keep up with the changes in usernames over the years. hgvfchjkbn I miss everyone so much, god.

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The future of WCF Empty Re: The future of WCF

Post by Fireheart November 24th 2020, 13:16

Oooooooo interesting

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