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The Drought

Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty The Drought

Post by Nyx February 9th 2011, 14:27

First topic message reminder :

Okay! Two cats come from every Clan to join this expedition! Clan leaders are allowed!

Brightstar peers down at her assembled Clan. "All of the Clans are suffering from the lack of no rivers. I, and the other leaders have decided that two cats from each Clan will join the patrol upstream!" She pauses, then adds, "Maplestream, and I will go."
IceClan Warrior
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nyx March 20th 2011, 09:37

Brightstar let out a snort. With a flick of her white-tipped tail, a stream of droplets splattered on to Darkfire. "Why do you spend all night grooming yourself anyways?" Max splashed toward the shore, his massive jaws wide open in a yawn. Darkfire screeched in terror and tried desperately to dig a hole in the shore.
IceClan Warrior
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nyx March 20th 2011, 09:46

Brightstar let out a frustrated hiss. "Monkeystar, can you calm your deputy down?" Max slid ashore and Lotusflower looked at him. "The lake is poisoned," she reminded him pointedly. Max didn't reply. He was busy staring at Darkfire, who's tail was lashing in a blur, his unearthly shrieks piercing the air. Shadowstorm and Monkeystar were trying to pin Darkfire down, but his shrieks, screeches, yowls, and screams only went an octave louder. Tawnypelt winced, and slapped her tail over her ears. Nightfrost suddenly stopped trying to cover her ears. "Wait! I smell foxes!" Fernleaf, Brightstar, Tawnypelt, and Max immediately whipped around to stare at the quivering bracken.

{ Hey, Monkeyface! I think that Sagedapple would make a much better deputy! I know that she's new and wants to go to ThunderClan!}
IceClan Warrior
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 20th 2011, 11:28

Darkfire was still going nuts. "He looks like dancing squirrel," Brightstar muttered under her breath, scanning the scrubby bushes and scraggling trees. A flash of rusty red fur peeped out from a dark bush without glossy leaves, and the fox's dewy eyes looked out at them blankly. It seemed surprised to see so many cats gathered. It was weak and thin, it's ribs showing through matted fur, his tongue hanging out dolefully. He eyed the cats, and seemed to decide that it wasn't worth a fight for a drink. He slowly retreated back into the bush.

"Wait," Crystaldance murmered from behind the wall of bristling warriors. "It just wants a drink." Everyone turned to her, and some sighed. Some nodded curtly, and the cats back slowly. The fox padded forward cautiously, stared at the cats, then darted forward, lapped up water from the stream, then swiftly turned and disappeared.

"But I smelled more foxes," Nightfrost sounded troubled. Brightstar shrugged. "If they're all in the same state as that one, we can hold them off. Max! Come out of the lake!" The huge mass of black and white lumbered out.

~Oh yeah, isn't the RIVER poisoned...not the lake? And lakes are much, much bigger than rivers. And killer whales and dolphins and such have really sensitive skin-they had alot of skin irritation from the Gulf oil spill. I don't think Max is dumb enough to jump into a poisoned body of water~

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 21st 2011, 17:52

Max grumbled and then, suddenly, he sat on Darkfire!!!
"AHHH!!! IT'S A KILLER WHALE! AND IT'S TRYING TO SQU-" Darkfire's cry was cut off abruptly. Max had sat on his face!!!! "I'm trying to quiet you! and stop squriming! It tickles!" he said, stifling a snort.
All the cats snickered, including Monkeyface. Finally, Monkeyface said to Brightstar, "tell your warrior to stop squishing my deputy" At that, everyone snorted in laughter and Max slithered off Darkfire. Then Nightfrost stiffened. "Foxes. And I'm serious." she whispered. Then, a breeze blew across their noses and...
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 21st 2011, 19:03

--A gigantic monstrous fox started to eat them! No, jks--

*A pair of Twolegs sat in trees, grinning. Somehow, they couldn't see the gigantic killer whale, but they could see that the fox scent was making them anxious-their neck fur stood up, their ears pressed against their skulls. They had shot a few foxes, and set them around the area. The scent would be coming from everywhere...

Those cats would make fine little thieves, if only they would be trained to work for them. Small and lithe, a few had hard muscles rippling under sleek pelts. The earth was dry-if they went searching for the foxes, they would be led into their traps, a man-made stream with fresh water and plenty of prey around it. Now they just had to wait.*

"Nightfrost..." Tawnypelt whispered. "Shh." "But-" "The fox scent is surrounding us." "But-" "Warriors, surround the apprentices and medicine cats," Brightstar called out. Everyone dutifully formed an arrow head formation around the more vulnerable cats. "I fell ridiculous," Crystaldance murmered. "Agreed," Starclaw whispered back. Tawnypelt sulkily took the rear. "If we go to Riverclan, it's closest. And the foxes will have to cross the river, too," Brightstar meowed, and some purred in agreement. They slowly moved across the land, disappointed that they couldn't get any water. Max lumbered behind them.

The Twolegs sat ready-the confused cats were going in the one direction where the fox scent didn't come from-right into their trap.

Tawnypelt looked up-and saw two, pale Twolegs crouching like squirrels in trees, wearing pelts that looked like leaves. "Twolegs!" She screeched.

--sorry I made myself the hero. feel free to change that Very Happy --

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 21st 2011, 21:03

cool, Twolegs. never thought of that...

The Cats panicked. They sprinted off towards RiverClan territory, unaware of the fox scent mingling with the Twoleg scent, following them.Suddnely, A giant shape loomed over the Twolegs. They looked up. Somehow, Max had managed to climb a tree! The giant killer whale jumped off the tree and squashed the Twolegs flat. XD LOL
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 23rd 2011, 15:44


"Hey Bob," one of the twolegs grunted. "Is this a huge black rubber duck?" "I don't think so, Bobette," Bob grunted. So, because they were a pair of dumb criminals, they were stuck until they suffocated and died. While Max was sitting comfortable over the twolegs, some cats poked around.

"Uhh..." Crystaldance backed away from a clump of dawnberry bushes. "There-there's a, um, a-" Tawnypelt walked over and stuck her head in the bushes. She yelped and jumped backwards. "A fox is in there!" she shrieked. "And you would stick your head in there? Can't you smell?" Darkfire commented snidely. (Okay, sorry darfire for making you the "evil bad" guy, but every story needs one. so be proud and honoured. Wink

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 24th 2011, 16:08

All the cats leaped on alert. Suddenly, Brighstar stiffened and four red foxes padded into the clear. They were skinny and gaunt, and the cats could see their ribs through the skin. The biggest fox's eyes narrowed, and with one powerful pounce, it sailed through the air and dug it's claws into Crystaldance's fur.
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 24th 2011, 16:35

((Hold on. Um, should we discourage God-modding?))
Icestar ran under a thorn bush after the warning call of the two-legs was announced. Panting, she crept around the side of the bush, all of her senses alert for another warning, or just the slight presence of a cat nearby. "Crystaldance? Nightfrost? Anyone?" She whispered into the darkness. No response. Had everyone abandoned her?
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 24th 2011, 20:13

(I don't know what God-modding is :/)
(And oh yeah, why didn't anyone react to the foxes, just wondering?)

"Stay still! Attack the other cats! Don't pounce on the one on CrystalDance!" Shadowstorm ordered, and the other cats paired up with the medicine cats. The rest circled around the remaining foxes, and some raced to help Crystaldance.

"You! Stupid! Dung-brain!" Tawnypelt screeched. "Why! Won't! You! Get! Off! Her!" Crystaldance squirmed under it's grip, but it just dug it's claws in deeper. It's yellow eyes were malicious, and full of determination, just to attack Crystaldance. When it slipped over the side, Shadowstorm pounced and barreled over the medicine cat, pushing over the lean fox. They flew into a whirlwind of rusty-grey fur and claws. Suddenly, more foxes appeared, and they weren't picky about who they attacked.

"Why are there so many?!" Tawnypelt yowled, nudging Crystaldance up a tree. Facing two bony foxes, Nightfrost waded over to help her. "I think we're in fox territory. And they probably smell fox blood on you and Crystaldance." And then, Icestar burst into the clearing. "Wha-? Foxes!? What about the water?!" She screeched. "Hi-Icestar. Um-we're doing-fine," Tawnypelt grunted, wrestling under a fox's grip. Unsheathing claws, she scraped along his stomach and it flipped off, growling. (dramatic music cuz there's like 100 foxes or somethin)

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 24th 2011, 20:38

haha I laughed about the dramatic music.
Then, suddenly the foxes started dancing randomly. No, I'm joking.

Shadowstorm barreled into a another fox, scraping a good chunk of it's fur off, and sending it running away with it's tail between it's legs. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Icestar had two foxes on her, attacking her from each side. The other cats were too busy chasing a fox away themselves. One of the foxes bit Icestar's leg, and she crumpled to the ground with exhaustion. as the second fox started to spring to attack her again, Shadowstorm took a huge leap and bit the fox in the throat. He dragged the fox off Icestar, and delivered the final blow with his claws. The other fox, seeing what Shadowstorm had done with it's friend, it streamed away, tail waving madly in the air. Shadowstorm ran to Icestar, still on the ground and licked her in between the ears. "I'm okay," she said, jumped to her legs and raced off into the battle.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist writing a love scene. Love Happy
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Guest March 24th 2011, 21:45

Hey can dogs eat foxes? I mean dogs are bigger

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 25th 2011, 18:17

(( Ah, God-modding is basically what you guys are doing. You are writing what the other characters are doing. So, basically, I should be the only one in charge of Iceclover, but Nightstorm just wrote a scene controlling Iceclover.))
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 25th 2011, 19:19

--Ookay I get it now. Embarassed I'll try not to do it...--

"You stupid furball! You don't even have any fur! You're a bunch of hollow bones! Even a bird has more meat than you! Idiotic dungbrain! Stop coming near me! You're a coward! Why are you attacking us?! YOu have no reason! You're so stupid! GO AWAY!" Tawnypelt kept up a steady stream of insults at the raggedy pack of foxes that slowly retreated. She hoped Crystaldance was okay in the tree, and a stupid fox hadn't climbed up one.

"I bet you can't even climb a tree! With your fat blunt paws! What have you been eating, crowfood? Twoleg scraps? YOu can't even hunt, you measly wimps!" She lashed out at a fox to send it scampering away. Then another pounced on her, and it was in terrible shape. It wasn't scarred or bleeding or injured-it was simply obese, meaning EXTREMELY FAT AND HEAVY. "Agh! Get off me, you fat, ugly excuse of a living being!"

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 25th 2011, 20:23

Iceclover raced to the bottom of the tree several cats were climbing, fighting like all of Tigerclan. "You mangy crow-food eaters!" She screeched, scratching one fox across the nose and drawing blood.
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 25th 2011, 21:26

*wow thats a lot of insults...*
Nightfrost jumped on another fox. It yowled, jaws wide open, and attempted to bite her, but Nightfrost twisted under it's belly and managed to scrap her claws against it's skin. It ran away, yowling like nuts. "Thats right, you stupid red furball!! Run and hide!!" Nightfrost yelled after it, and dashed into the battle again. All she could see was fur flying through the air, claws unsheathed and legs ready to pounce. It was a writhing mass of red and black, white, and brown bodies, twisting here and around the forest. "We can't keep this up much longer!" muttered Nightfrost.
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 25th 2011, 21:48

"Nightfrost, go in the tree!" I shouted over the noise of battle.
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 26th 2011, 12:05

"Okay!!!" Nightfrost climbed a tree and yowled to the other cats to follow. Slowly, one by one, the cats threw off their attackers and scrambled up a tree. Pelts stuck to the barks, leaving the foxes confused and annoyed.
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 26th 2011, 17:46

Max was away from all the commotion, contentedly squashing some squirming Twolegs. They tickled his butt, giving a nice massage. He was safe, for now.

The trees were heaving with gasping cats, panting for air. Some foxes tried to scrabble up the trunks, but their paws were too blunt to do anything. An especiallly large fox covered in scars gave three sharp yaps, and they retreated into the shadows.

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Dragonclaw March 26th 2011, 18:27

TawnyPelt wrote:--Ookay I get it now. Embarassed I'll try not to do it...--

"You stupid furball! You don't even have any fur! You're a bunch of hollow bones! Even a bird has more meat than you! Idiotic dungbrain! Stop coming near me! You're a coward! Why are you attacking us?! YOu have no reason! You're so stupid! GO AWAY!" Tawnypelt kept up a steady stream of insults at the raggedy pack of foxes that slowly retreated. She hoped Crystaldance was okay in the tree, and a stupid fox hadn't climbed up one.

"I bet you can't even climb a tree! With your fat blunt paws! What have you been eating, crowfood? Twoleg scraps? YOu can't even hunt, you measly wimps!" She lashed out at a fox to send it scampering away. Then another pounced on her, and it was in terrible shape. It wasn't scarred or bleeding or injured-it was simply obese, meaning EXTREMELY FAT AND HEAVY. "Agh! Get off me, you fat, ugly excuse of a living being!"

*wonders aloud*
"Is this what happens to wildlife that lives around Twolegs?"

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Nightfrost March 26th 2011, 18:32

yay! The foxes are gone!! But not for long....

As Max contentedly squashed Twolegs, he felt beady little eyes staring at him. suddenly, a large male fox with three scars running down his muzzle stepped into the clearing. it barked, and many, many foxes padded up to sit beside the leader. max stared wide-eyed at all the foxes. He's never seen so many foxes at once!!! They bore fresh cuts and scars, showing they had recently been in a fight.
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 26th 2011, 18:47

((Stupid computer))
Iceclover panted, most of the cats in the journey protected in the trees. She padded over and looked one of the foxes deep in the eye, and, even though her heart felt like it was gonna stop, she bravely said, in an unwavering tone of voice, "Hi. I am Icestar, leader of Shadowclan."
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Guest March 26th 2011, 19:10

Darkfire screeches and beats the fox with a stick. Fox runs. Darkfire flexes his smexy muscles.

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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Icestar of ShadowClan March 26th 2011, 19:29

*Ignores Darkfire, becasue obviously that would never happen)
A fox hissed at Darkfire, and jumped out of the shadows to scratch him acroos the muzzle. Howling, Darkfire jumped back into the tree. "Hello" Icestar repeated. "We come in peace to find why our water source is blocked. Our queens, kits, apprentices, and elders are very thirsty, and there is no rain."
Icestar nodded her head and indicated for Nightfrost to take over (after all, she is the Riverclan deputy, of the clan which has been suffering the most)
Icestar of ShadowClan
Icestar of ShadowClan
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The Drought - Page 5 Empty Re: The Drought

Post by Hazeldust March 26th 2011, 20:24

--Why is the whole site changed? It looks weird...And oh yeah, how do foxes understand cat-language?--

The mass of foxes halted, some panting, some growling. "Uh-they don't look too friendly," Tawnypelt murmered. "Maybe Crystaldance can speak to them? Starclan could help," she suggested. "I feel like a coward, sitting up here in a tree."

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