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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett May 2nd 2013, 01:07

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20banner
"There is no Clan in the forest so true or so brave. I respect and admire the other Clans, but my heart is here, with ThunderClan- the Clan of heroes, the Clan of compassion, the Clan of destiny."
~Firestar in Secrets of the Clans, page 9
Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Snowstar's Greeting
To Be Continued...
Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Thunderclan History
ThunderClan has been around for just as long as any of the other Clans. Everyone knows it was named after the first leader, Thunderstar and that it's been known to hold sturdy, strong cats that maneuver well through the thick undergrowth of their home forests. Some of the recent happenings would surprise everyone though. Not every cat knows exactly what lies in the past and even present of this mighty Clan. Well now is the moment of truth.

It all really began when Monkeystar was still Thunderclan leader and Brightstar was Riverclan's. Tensions had always been high over Sunningrocks. One day, RiverClan cats were found announcing that the rocks were theirs and a fight occured. This was a battle that was won by RiverClan and haunted the minds of warriors for moons. The bloody rivalry has been put to rest though and most of ThunderClan has accepted that it was their loss.

A few moons after the Sunningrocks battle came the attacks against IceClan. A ShadowClan warrior was held captive in IceClan's fortress, poisoned and this was not to be accepted. Monkeystar had decided to aid ShadowClan since they would be a strong ally as did Riverclan. The Clans that helped take the warrior back were inraged by how unjust it was to torture and possibly kill a cat in such a way. When they were told there was a possible cure, plenty of cats scrambled to help find it while others snuck into the fortress to help the attack. Eventually the warrior, Shadowstorm was retrieved and cured from the poison that nearly killed him. Plenty of cats have never forgotten this and hold grudges against the snowy cats of the mountains. They are convinced that the snowy winds envelop IceClan cats' hearts, freezing them into a cold, uncaring block of ice. Plenty of elders tell cats that this is how they got their name. No particularly bad or good alliances are held with these mysteriosu cat though. Everyone is still quite cautious.

After long moons of peace in ThunderClan, the whole group mysteriously disappeared. No one knew where they went, some thinking that once Monkeystar died that it just collapsed into chaos. In reality, the group really had collapsed. Everyone's ideals were mixed and this caused inner-Clan battles. Finally, the once great ThunderClan split up, some sticking together and others going off to be loners. The ones that did stay together were nomads, travelling to see where to settle next and trying to recruit new warriors so they could rebuild ThunderClan. The loners were never seen again, only a rare few cooling off in time to find their Clan mates.

When every cat in the now nomadic ThunderClan finally agreed on a temporary territory, they checked out their new home. It ended up being a far-off rainforest full of snakes, poisonous frogs, and exotic plants. Many dangerous, large predators also thrived in these wet forests, but the group was strong. Several cats were saddened that they couldn't find their old home now that they were ready to rejoing the other Clans, but there wasn't much the Clan could do but settle and search nearby. Food, water, and shelter was needed for the young and old ones as well as the weakened.

Now that they have finally started falling back into Clan life, Snowlily was chosen as ThunderClan's new leader for her mental and physical strength as well as her logical mind set. Although plenty warriors didn't trust the white she-cat at first for her IceClan origins, she proved herself more than qualified to lead her peers and even chose a great deputy named Rogueblossom. The two she-cats built the Clan from the bottom up and has made ThunderClan survive through possibly th toughest challenge it's faced yet.

The medicine cat, Redleaf was chosen through dreams. StarClan taught her about herbs and the like while she slept, one ancestor in particular even appearing in her waking hours to access her knowledge. Once the she-cat was done with her training, she was made a full-fledges healer and took on Heatherpaw as her apprentice. The duo are currently helping the Clan with torn pads among other injuries from the new terf and the long journey to get there.

Soon after becoming a medicine cat, StarClan came back to Redleaf in her dreams again. It wasn't a normal check up on how her duties were fairing, but to inform her that another rank was needed in order to help ThunderClan survive. The ancient cats told her that there was a strong warrior amongst the others that would bring the Clan not only great honor, but provide the best advice possible in these hard times from her long moons of rogueship. This cat was a large Maine Coon she-cat named Lightningstorm. ThunderClan had picked her up somewhere along the way and the feline had been helpful in many sticky situations. Although she could be hot-headed, gruff, and sharp-tongued, Lightningstorm had a great strategic mind and tended to be more observant than most. Redleaf reported this to Snowstar and she did as StarClan told her, naming the rank Chief Advisor for the fact that this rank was the same level as Medicine Cat and Deputy, but offered mostly advice for hard situations. The cat that held this position was highly respected like the rest of the high positions, but mainly because he or she was chosen for their tact and complex history not only in battle but strategy.

ThunderClan is doing well in its new home and is unknowingly about to be found by RiverClan to help cure a sickness spreading through the water Clan's ranks. This will also bring them back to the forest after their long hiatus.

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Thunderclan Maps
Thunderclan Forest Territory:

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Thunderclan Territory Landmarks
The Sandy Hollow:

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Special Attributes
Clan Character: In peace, respectful of other clans. In battle, fierce, courageous, and loyal. Thunderclan cats speak out for what is right and are not afraid to challenge the warrior code.
Hunting Skills: Excellent stalking tequniques. They keep upwind of their prey, creeping across the forest floor unseen and unheard.

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Thunderclan Prey
  • Mice - Common
  • Squirrel - Common
  • Vole - Common
  • Shrew - Common
  • Finch - Common
  • Blackbirds - Common
  • Sparrow - Common
  • Thrush - Common
  • Water Vole - Uncommon
  • Rabbit - Uncommon
  • Starling - Uncommon
  • Pheasant - Rare
  • Crow - Rare

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Leader: Snowstar
Chief Adviser: Lightningstorm
Deputy: Rogueblossom
Medicine Cat: Redleaf
Kits: (All kits are side characters created and played by the pronounced "parents")

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal ThunderClan%20skinnyThunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Adminv1-1

Relationships Within the Clan
  • Nightwing & Lightningstorm
  • Ace & Dawnpool
  • Flightfeathers & Sparrowflight
Crushes: None
Cats looking for mates: N/A
Cats Available to take a Mate:
  • Fawngaze
  • Ghostfur
  • Honeyglow
  • Moonshadow
  • Morningsun
  • Nighthawk
  • Rogueblossom
  • Squirrelflight
  • Starlight
  • Talonheart
  • Whiteheart
Cats Currently Unavailable to take a Mate:
  • Flamepaw
  • Heatherpaw
  • Milkypaw
  • Redleaf
  • Shimmerpaw

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Clan Alliances
Riverclan - Allied
Shadowclan - Neutral
Windclan - Allied
Skyclan - Neutral
Iceclan - Unknown
Moonclan - Neutral
The Masqueraders - Unknown

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The Warrior Code
  1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
  2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
  3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.
  4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
  5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
  6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
  7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
  8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires or is exiled.
  9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
  10. A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.
  11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
  12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
  13. The word of the Clan Leader is law.
  14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.
  15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGkU2TIH2cT0l8ozDFSNxFNUuGirr9tnt4PILg420J8fswtuaX

Last edited by Snowstar on August 13th 2013, 00:08; edited 15 times in total
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Russetstar May 2nd 2013, 06:18

It is a nice start so far Smile I also would like to point out that you spelled Bluetalon wrong.
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett May 2nd 2013, 10:06

Which time? I was too tired to continue yesterday.

Scratch that I found it. If anyone has any pictures or landmark suggestions just post them here with a name of the place and description. Smile
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Phoenixflare May 2nd 2013, 22:12

Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkx9-S2ZHC6M0xzFeUHx5uUZzw9s1XoYsfQJTkRbhRl40ZPt3F

This could be part of ThunderClan's camp or something?

Or this one:
Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal 9k=

They both look horrible Sweat

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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Nyx May 3rd 2013, 18:10

I found some nice pics. (8

This is one I thought we could use for TC's forest territory.

Clan Character. This is cool too.

Sandy Hollow~

Owl Tree. I didn't know what it looked like but I thought anything significant looking would be nice. These are oak trees apparently.
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett May 3rd 2013, 18:13

I really like those so far. Anyone else have any thoughts on these? And if members outside the clan want to contribute pictures and ideas for landmarks too they will be welcomed. Smile
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett May 7th 2013, 01:26

I have made updates to the Allegiances, Relationships, the territory maps, the special attributes and so far I have added one of the photos to the landmarks piece. If anyone from any clan would like to contribute I would sure appreciate some pictures of the landmarks labeled in the Thunderclan map. Wave
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Lunarlight May 15th 2013, 16:15

People like you are dedicated warriors. Spending hours on something for our cats. I'm impressed.

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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Lightclaw July 21st 2013, 23:16

Here's the History, Snow ouo" :
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Guest July 22nd 2013, 17:02

I like your Clan sheet, Snowstar! It's obvious you put a lot of time and thought into this. It's very detailed and pretty ^^ Just one thing though! Isn't ThunderClan's C supposed to be capitalized? I just noticed that throughout the whole thing it's not. Minor mistake maybe?

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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett July 22nd 2013, 17:42

Thanks. And actually I am pretty sure that throughout the book the C isn't capitalized. Smile
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Nyx July 22nd 2013, 17:49

Actually I think Keres is right. Razz On my kindle I have almost all of the Omen of the Stars series and all of the Clans are written like, "ThunderClan," "RiverClan," "ShadowClan," "WindClan."

Even on the Official Warrior Cats site it's written like that:
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by Scarlett July 22nd 2013, 18:07

Maybe. It's been years since I read the books so I don't exactly remember. Worst case scenario we edit it I guess
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Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal Empty Re: Thunderclan: the Brave and Loyal

Post by whitefall August 30th 2015, 02:50

may I join?

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