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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Streamstar January 8th 2016, 21:23

To those of you who still come on the forum. We should roleplay a bit to try to bring the site back. Just join in the roleplay, no need to wait to get accepted or anything. The post is pretty short, I'm just trying to start something quickly. Feel free to make up characters to use, or use other characters you have.

The Clans are falling apart, few warriors remain. They have gathered at Fourtrees to try to survive together. The prey has become as scarce as the cats,

Streamstar looks around the empty clearing for some sign of life. Over many moons, cats left or disappeared, until only the leader herself remained. It was the full moon, so she hoped some of the remaining cats would still follow the tradition and come to Fourtrees. They needed to work together if they didn't want the clans to completely fall apart. The silver moonlit glinted on her fur as she turned suddenly towards rustling in the bushes. "Who's there?" she shouted. If she was lucky, it would be another cat. Though since the clans had fallen apart, badgers and foxes had become more difficult to chase away. She didn't doubt that one of them could make it to the meeting place.
RiverClan Leader
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Roguestar January 10th 2016, 00:59

Roguestar padded through the forest, sliding through the wild undergrowth with only slight difficulty. She had done this many times in the past few moons since her Clan had nearly vanished. She was one of - if not the - the last remaining members who had stayed in camp. The others were either gone or had found their own shelter in the territory. It had become a more feral land, the ThunderClan forest. Rogues were slightly more common, as well as badgers and foxes. The leader had gotten used to it, traversing much of the land at night and sleeping during day. It suited her natural camouflage more and allowed her silence to truly listen for prey and predators. She'd managed to move silently among the leaves and branches, skillfully weaving between the undergrowth. Though, despite her adaption it still wasn't a fun time, especially for those who wanted to return to the stable Clan life. Because of her desire to return to that life had kept her in camp, though overgrown now she had tried to keep it decent. It was also due to this want that she was making this trip to the Fourtrees in hopes that remaining code-bound cats would arrive on the full moon.

And so, when she caused a rustle and the familiar voice of the RiverClan leader called out, she grew ecstatic. She jumped out of the bushes, purring. "Streamstar!" she meowed, looking up at the silver cat as she walked to the tree, climbing up to sit on the branch besides her acquaintance. "It's nice seeing you here! Any others nearby - at least, any that you know?"
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Streamstar January 10th 2016, 14:09

Streamstar's wariness turns into joy as the ThunderClan leader joins her on the tree. "Roguestar! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one remaining. Unfortunately, I have not seen anyone else around. I'm guessing ThunderClan has suffered the same fate as Riverclan has?" If Roguestar is still around then there is chance others have not abandoned the clans either. It was comforting to know that she was not alone.

Streamstar glances toward the bushes hopefully, looking for any signs of more cats arriving. She remembers the times when the whole clearing was filled with cats of all clans, and new apprentices were overwhelmed by how many there were. "I wonder if things will ever be the same again..." she meows as she gazes into the distance.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Sunstar January 11th 2016, 19:33

Sunstar sat on a branch in her barren camp, gazing at the remains that were still there. Her clan had split up and had gone their separate ways; at least, the ones that remained. Sunstar had hated that this happened to the clans but... she was only one cat. It wasn't like she could just magically make them whole once again. Her golden eyes lowered in sadness, as she relived the memories that she had before this mess. The times where she played with the other apprentices when she was but an apprentice herself, that time she had sneaked out of camp when she was a warrior and got scolded at immensely, and the time that was most recent, when she stood on this exact same branch gazing down at her clan with pride and joy.

She glanced up at the moon up ahead. A full moon... It had always been tradition to go to Fourtrees for a gathering once every moon during the full moon. Maybe, just maybe, other cats would uphold that same tradition and head to Fourtrees as well. Sunstar heaved herself into a standing position, and leaped down from the branch, and made her way towards the towering 4 trees. As she stepped into the familiar clearing, two familiar scents hit her nose. She padded forward cautiously and silently, and stepped through the bushes. Her eyes widened at the sight of the two leaders right in front of her. "Streamstar? Roguestar? I'm glad you two are ok! Are you two the last ones left? Is there anyone else?"
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Moonsong January 11th 2016, 19:57

The moon was an easy enough symbol on which to rely, if one was practically nocturnal and named after it in the first place. Moonsong had rather lost track of her mate, for the moment, and her pelt was patterned with bramble-wounds, hastily tended to by way of licking the blood away whenever it got too annoying. Fourtrees was familiar, at the very least, and not so overrun with thorns as the ShadowClan camp had turned, even if the sight of it so empty made her fur crawl and stand on end. When she slunk into the clearing, normally sleek silver fur all disarrayed and pale eyes wild, she gave the assembled cats a terribly suspicious glance and froze at the edge of the clearing, giving a belated lick to her wounds and letting her gaze dart to her side, unprotected and empty, before she bared her fangs in a parody of a greeting that very well might be sincere, by her standards.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Ghostheart January 12th 2016, 10:33

Silence is what Ghostheart relied on since the clans had fallen into such a state of disarray. Silently padding through the forest in the search of food. He had lost track of his mate a bit ago but he was sure she'd be fine, Moonsong knew how to look after herself on the rare occasions he was not there to curl up around her and hiss at anyone who came too close. So what if he was a bit possessive and protective? It all worked well. Ears flicking back he bared his fangs when a crack was heard. Luckily for him it was just a rabbit, the things are fast but he had the element of surprise and the hopper barely noticed when it's neck was snapped and he dropped its lifeless body on the ground. He was honestly surprised he had even managed to stumble upon the rabbit, prey was ridiculously scarce. Ignoring the growl of his stomach he picked up the rabbit and walked the rest of the way to the Fourtrees in silence. Of course Moonsong was there and he sauntered up to her, dropping the rabbit like an offering before giving one of her bramble caused wounds a gentle lick. He ignored everyone else for the time being.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Lilacstar January 12th 2016, 14:07

Lilacstar's ears twitched as her nose caught the scent of the few other cats gathered in the clearing below her. Sitting perched on top of the steep hill where the moorland gradually gave way to the tree filled clearing, Lilacstar's eyes narrowed to slight slits as she carefully surveyed the small amount of other cats, the idea of going down to see the other cats without the few other remaining members of her clan made her soft fur prickle with unease.
Slowly and silently gliding down the rough terrain of hill, Lilacstar stalked towards the remaining leaders, her eyes not even casting a second glance at the others gathered.
As Lilacstar drew closer towards Streamstar, Roguestar, and Sunstar, the sounds of their conversation became clearer in her ears. Curling her tail slightly, Lilacstar looked up at the other she-cats, Lilacstar spoke for what seemed like the first time in moons, "Hello." She curtly greeted the others.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Blackstone January 12th 2016, 20:24

Fourtrees, Blackstone sighed. He'd ended up being separated from the rest of his clan at some point he couldn't really remember as it was so long ago, but he decided to check on the clans as he finally found motivation to. He'd been a little depressed without the Clan life that he could so easily have lived without, before he happened across RiverClan in his flight from another place. As the little black tom approached his destination, he could hear a few voices. There are more cats here! Maybe some of my old Clanmates made it, he thought, rejuvenated with relief to hear familiar voices talking. He pushed his way through the undergrowth and emerged in the clearing he knew so well from the many Gatherings he'd been to - not as many gatherings as some older cats of the clan, but still a good number. "Um... Hi, everyone," he mewed, his eyes darting around, looking at the small number of cats gathering in the clearing. Streamstar's here! He stifled a squeak of delight that his old leader was here too, but quickly noticed that they were the only RiverClan cats who'd made it so far.

don't mind the avatar, i changed my old one to carolus t rex and can't find the old one haha 
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Streamstar January 13th 2016, 10:47

"Sunstar!" Streamstar purred, "You're here too! So far we're the only ones, but that doesn't mean others won't make their way here." Not longer after she spoke, others starting making their way into the clearing. There were two cats that she recognized as being from Shadowclan, but there was no sign of their leader Redstar. Soon Lilacstar joined the other leaders, and all but one leader had come to the gathering. "Hello Lilacstar, I'm glad you're able to join us as well. When I first arrived, I feared I'd be the only one." She turned back towards to edge of the clearing looking to see if anyone else arrived, and her eyes lit up at the sight of one of her former clanmates. "Blackstone!" she meowed happily, "It's nice to see you again. I thought I'd be the only RiverClan cat."
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Moonsong January 14th 2016, 13:34

Moonsong pressed her coat close to Ghostheart's without favoring him with a glance, tapping her tail on his spine almost absently even as her claws dug into the dirt. The leaders grouped in a small cluster, all the more noticeable for the fang-ache space where the ShadowClan leader should be, and she simply tried not to look at them beyond her lazy paranoia, letting her eyes pass over the new RiverClan warrior (Blackstone? maybe? names were hard and she had never particularly claimed to care all that much about anything; expectations placed on her were low in any case). Her tail slapped down harder on Ghostheart's spine.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Ghostheart January 14th 2016, 14:04

Ghostheart hardly winced when Moonsongs tail smacked hard onto his spine. It didn't really hurt, he felt real pain from the claws of warriors of other clans, this was nothing compared to that, and he coolly regarded the other cats assembled. It didn't appear that any other Shadowclan cats had assembled and he assumed most of them would be fine. In theory anyways. He leaned against Moonsong and gave her ear a gentle bite in response to smacking his spine with her tail.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Blackstone January 14th 2016, 17:14

Blackstone smiled as he saw his leader's reaction to his appearance in the clearing. "It's nice to see you too, Streamstar," he replied with a purr. "I thought the same thing too, honestly, I haven't seen one of our own in a long time." He paused, trying to recall names that had faded from his mind with time. A quiet, solemn chuckle escaped him. "Such a long time that I've forgotten most of their names..." What a way to bring his own mood back down.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by JetfeathertheTelekinetic January 24th 2016, 10:17

"Does this have anything to do with the moor that I- didn't set on fire..." Jetfeather asked walking into Fourtrees.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Moorstrike January 24th 2016, 14:27

The facts and shattering of the clans crashing down around their own ears, chaos reigning, to an extent, and the other territories becoming almost as barren as WindClan's own moor, would never cease to be viciously entertaining, in a muffled way. (And yes, he did recognize the irony in his name, in what had happened and was continuing, and if he was self-centered enough to claim that it was another chapter of the 'curse', he would stick around in any case just because.) Still, a flame had begun to lick at the edges of the moor, racing through dry, empty grass, and he had singed more than one piece of his thin coat as he slunk after the strange WindClan warrior and where he could still scent Lilacstar's passing. Moorstrike winced, flicked his tail briefly to signal his mate... something, at least, and jerked his head towards Jetfeather with another wince, almost looking embarrassed, for either him or their Clan in general.

He had meant to stay in camp, really, his banked cynicism and fear not terribly helpful to a gathering of Clans ever, but between Jetfeather racing off and his usual twitchy urge to stay close to Lilacstar, he tagged along to Fourtrees, only shrinking back a little bit after their untimely arrival and Jetfeather's overly dramatic proclamation-scene.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by JetfeathertheTelekinetic January 24th 2016, 14:42

"...I said nothing, let none of this be held against anyone but me ANYWAY Seriously I just recovered from falling off a cliff. Don't ask," Jetfeather said quickly, judging his statement based on several cringes from Moorstrike then reinstating the question of what happened.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Ghostfur January 26th 2016, 02:45

Ghostfur strode through ThunderClan's territory, or at least what it used to be before the clan began to drift apart. For his own part as deputy, Ghostfur had remained until the very end, but eventually even he and his brother had left, gone to check on his rogue camp and to meet an old friend. With his brother Bluenose beside him, Ghostfur made his way toward Fourtrees, figuring that any remaining clan cats would be gathering under the full moon. Once he arrived, Ghostfur was pleased to see that there were indeed a few cats present, including all but the ShadowClan leader. "Roguestar! Long time no see, though I wish I could return in better times." Ghostfur called out as he approached the cluster of clan leaders, giving a nod to the other leaders as he approached. "I have even returned with Bluenose, though I don't see any other ThunderClan members present. Not that I'm surprised." Ghostfur added as he took a seat near his leader.

Bluenose followed his brother into Fourtrees quietly, taking in the sight of how few warriors had gathered. He paid particular attention to the ShadowClan cats, sitting removed from where the leaders sat with their own leader absent, and he wondered once more just what could cause the once great clans to all collapse like this. Bluenose gave a nod to the other clans' leaders as he approached Roguestar with Ghostfur. "Greetings Roguestar." he said, keeping his greeting short. Bluenose sat next to his brother and watched the other cats who had gathered, hoping something good will come of this gathering.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Roguestar January 28th 2016, 21:22

Roguestar had started to respond to Streamstar before other cats began making their way into the clearing. First the SkyClan leader, Sunstar, then two ShadowClan warriors, followed by Lilacstar from WindClan. As others greeted one another with words, Roguestar met them with a nod as Streamstar explained the situation. She shifted her weight as she grew more aware of her surroundings, waiting with her patience thinning. She clawed at the branch below her as more cats entered - a RiverClan warrior and two more WindClan warriors. One of them she recognized as Lilacstar's mate, Moorstrike. The other two were Jayfeather of WindClan leaving the RiverClan cat to be Blackstone - if she remembered correctly.

She glanced around, tail flicking back and forth as she waited. Her golden eyes flicked to the ShadowClan couple before scoping the edge of the clearing. So far, she was the only ThunderClan cat, and her sister was nowhere in sight. Roguestar was growing a bit more disappointed, despite the decent turnout in the clearing thus far. She kept watch for those she had held close relations with, her gaze watching as two very familiar toms made their entry.

"Ghostfur, Bluenose!" Roguestar greeted her old deputy and his brother, smiling as she prevented herself from jumping down like an excited kit. "Times are fairly bad right now - surely you know already - but it's wonderful to see the two of you here. I've certainly missed my Clanmates."
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Post by Thunderclaw January 28th 2016, 21:50

Thunderclaw padded uneasily into the clearing, glancing around at all the other cats. He picked his way over to Roguestar and sat down.
"Greetings." He said, dipping his head.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Ghostfur January 29th 2016, 15:49

"Indeed, the times are tough, but I for one am glad to be back. Visiting old friends and allies outside clan territory tends to bring back a lot of unpleasant memories." Ghostfur said, not missing his leader's excitement when he and Bluenose arrived. Ghostfur then decided, though, that now was not the best time for such serious talk. "At least those who are still here seem to still be well fed and healthy. It is reassuring to know that the territories themselves have not gone to ruin. So their is still hope to rebuild." Ghostfur said, hopefull that he spoke the truth.

Bluenose listened quietly as his brother spoke with Roguestar, enjoying the sensation of being back in Thunderclan. "We certainly have a good start to rebuilding as a clan. Out of just us three who are present we have our leader and deputy, and while I was forbidden from formally becoming a medicine cat I have my knowledge of healing, which should be useful." Bluenose chimed in when Ghostfur mentioned rebuilding the clan.
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Post by Thunderclaw January 29th 2016, 20:52

Thunderclaw turned to Ghostfur and Bluenose. "You do semm to have an interesting... "advantage," if you want to call ot that, over the other clans, but numbers do not necissarily mean stronger. After all, not all tasks are won by strength alone." He said.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Frost January 30th 2016, 00:04

(I have no idea what clan I'm in LOL) but I'll just roleplay as a RiverClan apprentice.

Frostpaw bounded after Ghostfur and Bluenose, her youthful energy a stark contrast to the other older cats. It was her first Gathering, and though the mood was heavy, she was curious to see the other Clans. She was so caught up in looking around that she crashed into the ThunderClan leader. The Riverclan apprentice flopped back on the soft ground, unharmed. She regained her footing, eyes wide as moons as she piped, "Hi! I'm Frostpaw!"
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Post by Ghostfur January 30th 2016, 03:37

Bluenose nodded when Thunderclaw of Windclan joined their conversation. "Well I do suppose that I think Thunderclan is pretty well off given the current situation, but I honestly don't think we have much in the way of an advantage. We just have all of our core duties covered." Bluenose said in a neutral tone. He decided to not add the thought that while he thinks his clan is pretty even with Windclan and Riverclan, Bluenose felt that there was a difference with regards to Shadowclan and Skyclan. From his observations of what cats are present so far, Bluenose has noted that Windclan has superior numbers, and the new apprentice that just arrived smelled like a Riverclan cat, and he felt that actually having an apprentice was pretty significant in itself. Meanwhile, Shadowclan had only two warriors and Skyclan was only represented by their leader. All of which did not speak well for the clans as a collective, as what Bluenose was more concerned about than individual clans.
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Sunstar January 30th 2016, 14:57

Sunstar just smiled politely as everyone entered the gathering area. She couldn't help but feel downtroddened. She was the only SkyClan cat there, while all the others had multiple cats representing. Even ShadowClan had more cats, even if it was just one extra. She prayed to StarClan mentally that the rest of her clanmates were OK and still surviving fine.

"What are we going to do now then?" Ah, the big question. What were they going to do anyways? Recruit loners and kittypets? Move to a different location?

Frostbite ran at top speed towards the gathering trees. It was a full moon, and she had smelled other cats of different clans making their way towards the area. She skidded to a halt as she ran out of the bushes, breathing heavily. She smiled brightly as she saw her sister and other fellow WindClan cats. She was curious ad to where her sister went; they had been staying with each other after the clans disbanded, but Sunstar suddenly decided she wanted to check SkyClan's old territory, and so she took off.

Last edited by Sunstar on January 30th 2016, 17:26; edited 2 times in total
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Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead Empty Re: Guys Lets Roleplay: Bringing Back WCF From the Dead

Post by Thunderclaw January 30th 2016, 16:09

Sunstar wrote:Sunstar just smiled politely as everyone entered the gathering area. She couldn't help but feel downtroddened. She was the only SkyClan cat there, while all the others had multiple cats representing. Even ShadowClan had more cats, even if it was just one extra. She prayed to StarClan mentally that the rest of her clanmates were OK and still surviving fine.

"What are we going to do now then?" Ah, the big question. What WHERE they going to do anyways? Recruit loners and kittypets? Move to a different location?

Frostbite ran at top speed towards the gathering trees. It was a full moon, and she had smelled other cats of different clans making their way towards the area. She skidded to a halt as she ran out of the bushes, breathing heavily. She smiled brightly as she saw her sister and other fellow WindClan cats. She was curious ad to where her sister went; they had been staying with each other after the clans disbanded, but Sunstar suddenly decided she wanted to check SkyClan's old territory, and so she took off.

(Erm... you misspelled were as where...)

Thunderclaw nodded at Bluenose's response. "I agree." He said. "I'm mainly glad the leaders are here."
WindClan Warrior
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Post by Hazelshade January 31st 2016, 17:58

[ If y'all forgot, this is Nyx. ((: ]

Hazelshade honestly didn't know what she was doing. Why Fourtrees of all places? Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was just nostalgia for the times when she was always surrounded by friends and family, thriving in the suppressed rivalry and camaraderie that stewed in the gatherings every full moon. Whatever the reason, she had decided a few days ago that she would camp out in the forest surrounding the area for awhile. Prey didn't seem to be any more plentiful here though. The calico warrior had tried before she went to sleep for the night, but she'd lost the mouse she'd been stalking. This morning though, she was determined to find something to take the edge of her hunger. Yawning, Hazelshade stretched out her stiff limbs and turned towards the clearing where the Clans had gathered before. Her stomach was grumbling so loudly she almost missed the fresh scents in the air. Not prey, but cats! Her tail shot straight up into the air and with an excited squeal, Hazelshade bounded through the undergrowth towards the gathering place, hunting forgotten. She burst out of the undergrowth, and almost crashed straight into Sunstar.
ThunderClan Warrior
ThunderClan Warrior

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