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Keep it together(hunting/random business)

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Keep it together(hunting/random business) Empty Keep it together(hunting/random business)

Post by Nightpaw March 31st 2015, 10:14

(( Hey guys c: This is a ThunderClan only, jump-in roleplay Very Happy
Sorry other people D: ))

Quiet as a mouse. That was the saying. And also the opposite of the young apprentice who shuffled through the leaves and couldn't get her stance right. Frustrated, she kicked the leaves around her paws and hissed.
"Fox-dung!" She cried out, the leaves crunching and twigs snapping under her feet. "At this rate the clan'll starve." She sighed wearily, following the scent trail of the mouse which had slipped through her paws, quite literally.

She paused in the leaves, her mind whirling. Through some unforseen circumstances she had not been given an official mentor yet. It had been fine at first, the warriors had taken turns. But with so many giving different advice she was left confused and unsure. Her mentor at the moment was Shrewpelt(made up). But he was on patrol and couldn't take time out of his busy schedule to help her at the moment.
Yes, patroling was important. But hunting like a giant badger was a threat to the clan!

I can do this. Tail off the ground, slide your paws. .
She went to slide a paw forward and the leaves under it crunched like they were mocking her. "Slide your paws! Sliiiiiide!! What don't you understand you clot-head?!" She yowled anger and fruateration, kicking the leaves around again and cursing herself and everything around her.

Last edited by Lilaeyan on April 1st 2015, 12:18; edited 1 time in total
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Keep it together(hunting/random business) Empty Re: Keep it together(hunting/random business)

Post by Ghostfur March 31st 2015, 13:23

Keeping his distance and staying downwind, Ghostfur watched Nightpaw's hunting. He had helped organize the rotation of mentors for Nightpaw to last until she got an official mentor, but having been taught by multiple warriors had had a negative effect on her training. So to take responsibility for that Ghostfur had decided to tail Nightpaw as she trained and see how things had been going thus far, and what he's seen hasn't been encouraging.

'I'm glad we figured out an official mentor for Nightpaw, if things had kept on like they had been then it would have been awhile until she finished her training. Now that Silverstream is mentoring her though I'm sure Nightpaw will be fine.' Ghostfur thought with some relief for the apprentice as he watched her trying to be stealthy. Ghostfur then decided that if she failed to catch the mouse the second time around he'd go out and try to teach her some more assuming Silverstream didn't show up first, though that could make the problem worse it was just too painful to watch an apprentice struggling so much.

~might want to specify rules for joining the rp, though I assume that Thunderclan members can jump in is what you had in mind

Last edited by Ghostfur on March 31st 2015, 13:32; edited 2 times in total
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Post by Scarlett March 31st 2015, 13:27

OOC: haha I don't think rogue told you yet Ghostfur but she has Silverstream mentoring her officially now. I'll post as her here shortly. Smile
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Post by Ghostfur March 31st 2015, 13:32

OOC: Ah, I was going off what her post had been, but I fixed it now.
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Keep it together(hunting/random business) Empty Re: Keep it together(hunting/random business)

Post by Nightpaw March 31st 2015, 15:01

(( Yeah, that was the plan ^^ Thanks though. I'll add a line about the rules and remember that next time Very Happy

Oh, awesome! You can mentor me in roleplay and ooc because I'm clueless x'D))

Okay was it approach from behind or the side? How in StarClans name how am I supposed to do that when it's sitting g right there?
Nightpaw hissed under her breath, narrowing her eyes and focusing on the mouse ahead of her. She felt obligated to catch something here. She would have to. She might as well give up and be the medicine cat apprentice at this rate. She huffed, then recollected herself. She knew you had to get low to the ground and keep your tail out of the leaves. That was common sense. Kits knew that.

Okay, little mouse. You are going to be fresh kill.
She felt her whiskers twitch involuntarily and she knew her frusteration was now affecting her concentration. She had to catch this stupid mouse.
She felt a light breeze ruffle her from behind and she stiffened. Mouse-dung I forgot to check the wind!
She stared at the mouse, praying to StarClan that it wouldn't scent her. She wouldn't be able to face the clan land let them know she had once again failed to bring something back. She stepped slowly and carefully, her eyes on the mouse the whole time. But the breeze picked up and with a flick of it's big ears and tiny nose, it was gone.

"OH FOR STARCLANS SAKE!!" She yowled, stomping around again and knowing the mouse was lost forever. "I suck! I'm the worst apprentice in the history of ThunderClan!!" She fell to the ground and rolled on to her back, staring at the treetops as she considered ways to stop sucking at everything.
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Post by Ghostfur March 31st 2015, 16:33

From where he was watching on the opposite side of the mouse, Ghostfur knew Nightpaw wasn't going to catch the mouse when he saw her react to the breeze, likely realizing that she was upwind of the mouse. He watched the apprentice get frustrated instead of stalking around downwind of the mouse and try to sneak up on the mouse from where she was. Ghostfur wasn't at all surprised when the mouse scented her and ran the other way, conveniently leading it right to where Ghostfur was watching, and with a quick motion he caught and killed the mouse before it could react.

"I'm not so sure you're the worst apprentice in Thunderclan history, if you were you would have revealed my location and ruined my own chances of catching that mouse." Ghostfur said around the mouse he was now carrying as he padded up to the apprentice. "That said there are some things you need to work on, which I'm sure Silverstream will make sure to teach you now that she's you mentor." Ghostfur said to Nightpaw as he set the mouse down and sat down.
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Post by Silverstream March 31st 2015, 20:29

Silverstream was watching from the underbrush only a few tail lengths away from where Ghostfur had been concealed. She was a little saddened that the apprentice was being so hard on herself about missing the mouse but was able to get an idea of where to start the training. The she cat padded out into the clearing and nodded to Ghostfur in greeting before sitting next to the tom. "Hello Ghostfur. Are there any patrols  are scheduled to be on today?" Silverstream asked casually, trying to get an idea for their training time frame before getting started.
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Post by Ghostfur March 31st 2015, 20:45

Ghostfur returned Silverstream's nod. "Nope, though I do plan to have you do the dawn patrol tomorrow. But you're free to do as you please today." Ghostfur replied with a glance over at Nightpaw. He had been planning from the beginning to give whoever ended up as Nightpaw's mentor a day off of patrols to take care of Nightpaw, so he was relieved that Silverstream hadn't put off taking charge of Nightpaw's training. "If it's okay with you I'll stick around and watch Nightpaw's training for awhile. I want to make sure she adjusts to having a full mentor without too much trouble, though I'm sure she'll do fine." Ghostfur added, speaking so that Nightpaw didn't overhear.
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Post by Nightpaw April 1st 2015, 12:16

Nightpaw jumped slightly at the sound of Ghostfur's voice. He'd caught the mouse and apparently had seen and heard her freaking out. How embarrassing. She ducked her head, giving her chest fur a few soothing licks before clearing her throat. What was she supposed to say? 'Oh sorry about that I just feel useless and dumb because I'm a cat who hunts like a squirrel'. She clenched her jaw, looking away from the new deputy and frowning.

I know I need help but it just feels awful to know that he saw all that. If I'm going to be a great warrior I can't just spaz out because things get tough.
She mentally nudged herself and swallowed back her pride. Silverstream would be her mentor now, and she half-wondered if Ghostfur had come to tell her that.
She'd opened her mouth to speak when Silverstream herself poked out of the brush as well.

Is every cat from the clan here to spy on my failure?!
She knew it was an overreaction of a thought but it made her self concious to know both her knew mentor and her new deputy had seen her in a moment of weakness.

They'll see many more in moons to come, Nightpaw. You're no LionClan warrior. And you're only ten moons old on top of that.
She told herself, lifting her head and watching as the warrior and deputy spoke to each other softly. Though she knew it must be about her she also knew it wasn't her business. Oddly.

"I'm so glad to have a mentor as great as you, Silverstream." She spoke up, finally. "StarClan knows I need it." She glanced away from the older cats and resisted the whining and complaining that rose up in her. She refused to be a typical apprentice. She would prove she was one of the best.
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Post by Silverstream April 2nd 2015, 09:22

Silversteam dipped her head and touched her nose to the tip of Nightpaw's ear. Her cool blue eyes focused on the young she-cat as she stepped back slowly. "You should not worry about what other will think of you for not catching anything on your first real hunting trip with a mentor. Whether your mentor is me or someone else, it is still rare to have an apprentice catch something one the first try. Besides, you learned some important hunting lessons today that it takes other apprentices days to learn sometimes." The pale silver she-cat purred trying to reassure Nightpaw.

She looked back at Ghostfur, wondering what his interest in watching her training session was but simply shook it off and looked back at Nightpaw. "Now we should probably start by picking a new place to hunt. It seems entirely likely that your last attempt to catch the mouse has informed all of the prey nearby that we are here." Silverstream flicked her tail, letting the two cats to know that she already knew of a place to hunt. She padded off quickly, waiting on the two of them. The training hollow wouldn't be far from where they were and There was always plenty of fresh kill to be caught from there. It is a perfect place to learn how to hunt.
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Post by Ghostfur April 2nd 2015, 10:36

Ghostfur's tail twitched slightly, despite the fact that the reason he wanted to watch Nightpaw's training was to get a sense of how much the apprentice could progress in a day now that she had an actual mentor, he just couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. He was reminded of his first hunting exercise where his rough pads had scraped along the ground and his then even paler fur shown in the sunlight, and the training had ended after he had accidentally pounced head-first into a tree.

Ghostfur snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard Silverstream mention a change of location. Ghostfur silently agreed then got up and buried the mouse so he could retrieve it later. Ghostfur then followed after Silverstream, but more slowly, he may be observing their training but he figured he should let mentor and apprentice have their space. That and having the clan deputy watching might make Nightpaw nervous, so Ghostfur made sure to follow in a round-about manner to make it seem he had gone off on his own.
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Post by Nightpaw April 3rd 2015, 13:36

(( Sorry for taking so long .-. ))

Nightpaw felt a little better with Silverstream's words flowing through her mind. It was true that she was a new apprentice and shouldn't be so hard on herself, but she couldn't help it, she wanted to be the best warrior she could be. But first she had to be the best apprentice.
Is that shallow? To want to be the best?
She wondered curiously, but shook the thought off when a voice in the back of her mind told her that she didn't need to worry about that. Her goals didn't make her selfish.

"Thank you, Silverstream. That means a lot." She meowed softly, looking down at her paws for a moment before Silverstream spoke again. A shudder went down her spine, an involuntary thing stemmed from embarassment, and she laughed awkwardly.
"Uhm, yes. Maybe we should find somewhere else." She nodded, flicking her ears and listening to the sounds of the forest for a few moments. She had a few suggestions, but odds were the animals would be in their holes at this time of day. Plus Silverstream was her mentor which meant she was supposed to be learning from her. Not trying to teach.

Put your independance aside, Nightpaw and listen to the warrior who knows more than you.

She raised her tail and her chin as well, pushing past the embarrassment and indignation and forcing herself to not to act like a ShadowClan cat.

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Post by Silverstream April 4th 2015, 15:29

Silverstream finally broke through the last group of undergrowth that separated them and the training hollow clearing. The clearing was large and open, but the tree tops above expanded over the top, blocking out much of the sunlight and keeping it cool with the exception of a few patches here and there where the light broke through. The breeze made the leaves above shift and it made what little light did reach the ground seem to dance.

She turned to look at Nightpaw after observing the surrounding and making sure that everything was clear. "Now then, this is the training hollow. This is where a great number of apprentices before you have come to practice their fighting strategies and practice hunting." She flicked her ear toward the clearing behind her as she spoke. The bits of sunlight warmed her pelt as she spoke and she parted her jaws trying to pick up the scents in the hollow.

She was fully aware that Ghostfur would still be watching them, but likely from a distance and that made her a bit nervous. Nightpaw is my first apprentice... What if I mess it up in front of Ghostfur. Would he assign her a new mentor? Silverstream flexed her claws with a hint of anxiety and thought back for a moment about when she was an apprentice wondering what her mentor would have her do. She looked at Nightpaw and spoke again. "So Nightpaw, what do you smell?"
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